... допълват с нови цветове.
Колекцията включва и коригиращ молив (бяло тяло, черен апликатор) за коригиране на всякакви несъвършенства, произтичащи от нанасянето.
Опаковка: водоустойчива, термоустойчива, дълъг срок на годност
Стабилна формула: без вариации при изсъхване
Не се размазва, не попива в бръчки и е подходяща за носещи контактнилещи
Апликаторите са налични в различни форми и дебелини.
Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Eden è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato.
Questa fragranza può essere definita “indimenticabile”, merito della sua piramide ol fattiva che mescola intense note fiorite ad un fondo boisé.
Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo.
Profuma Bucato Eden è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Miel de fleurs conditionné en IBC de 1200 Kg. C'est un miel polyfloral livré liquide. Il s'agit d'un miel neutre de couleur clair à ambré. Certifié ECOCERT
Entöltes Soja-Lecithin
LECIFINE 100 ist ein entöltes Soja-Lecithin, hergestellt aus gentechnikfreien Sojabohnen (NON-GMO).
LECIFINE 100 wird für feine Backwaren, Kekse, Waffeln, Instantprodukte, Kakaopulver und Hefeteig-Fertigmehle verwendet. LECIFINE 100 verbessert die Fettverteilung und ermöglicht eine gleichmäßige Bräunung. Außerdem sorgt es für eine feinere Krume, verlängert die Frischhaltung und vergrößert das Volumen der Backwaren.
LECIFINE 100 hat einen hohen Gehalt an Phospholipiden und ist ein natürlicher Emulgator, der den Backteig leichter verarbeitbar und weicher macht.
Il Counseling non è una Psicoterapia: non si va da un counselor per "curarsi", ma per imparare nuovi modi di relazionarsi con gli ostacoli che si incontrano. Aiutiamo le persone a:
formulare e raggiungere obiettivi
aumentare l'autostima e la fiducia in se stessi
gestire stress ed emozioni
superare conflitti interiori e prendere decisioni
gestire i conflitti interpersonali
aumentare il benessere personale
ritrovare un senso nella vita e nel lavoro
superare momenti difficili
migliorare le relazioni interpersonali
proseguire il percorso di evoluzione e crescita nella propria vita personale o professionale
Gemi, yat, tekne vb yerlerde denizcilikte kullanılan üzerinde denizcilikte kullanılan kodların bulunduğu flama çeşidi, halk arasında sancak da denmektedir.
Genel Özellikleri
40’lı sette 40 adet bayrak bulunmaktadır
Standart olarak ölçü 30×45 cm’dir
Standart kumaş cinsi raşeldir
İpe sıralıda bayrak kenarları sıcak kesimlidir ve hepsi bir ipte gönderilmektedir.
Gönder tipinde bayrak kenarları dikişlidir ve ayrı ayrı gönderilmektedir.
We have been producing Luggage Protection Covers made of Clear PVC and Printed Fabrics. As a new most running product, we are promoting the Luggage organizer product to the market.
Une bonne dose quotidienne de lotion pour le corps est idéale pour votre peau. Elle procure une peau douce, hydratée et choyée. Les lotions corporelles peuvent également vous faire du bien si vous souffrez de vergetures. En massant votre corps chaque jour, votre peau conserve son élasticité et vos vergetures deviennent moins visibles.
Pour de nombreuses personnes, en particulier les femmes, l’application de crèmes ou de lotions corporelles est une routine quotidienne. Pourtant, beaucoup de gens femmes et hommes le font sporadiquement voire pas du tout.
Pourquoi estil si important d’appliquer une lotion corporelle ?
Il est important de savoir que notre peau sait exactement quoi faire avec une couche de lotion pour le corps. Lorsque nous passons sous une douche très chaude ou que nous utilisons un vieux gel douche, la couche huileuse naturelle et protectrice de notre peau disparaît, ce qui entraîne une sécheresse de la peau.
Bei LECKER`S Kuvertüre Schokotropfen handelt es sich um zartschmelzende zartbitter Schokolade, die sich hervorragend zum Glasieren eignet. Durch die Tropfenform der Kuvertüre lässt sich diese einfach dosieren und kann auch zum verfeinern von Musli und Desserts verwendet werden.
Zutaten:Kakaomasse*, Rohrzucker*, Kakaobutter*, Emulgator SOJALECITHIN*
Allergene :Soja
Ein Produkt Video oder ein Erklärfilm ist eine optimale Unterstützung für Marketing, Vertrieb, Kundenservice und Außendienst.
Wir setzen Produkte und Dienstleistungen anschaulich in Szene, zeigen den praktischen Einsatz und die Vorteile. Eine optimale Verkaufshilfe und Verkaufsunterstützung, die - einmal produziert - in allen Sprachen präsent ist.
Produkt Videos, die ankommen:
• POS Video, Onlineshop Video, Messe Video
• How-to Video, Bedienungsvideo, Erklär Video
• Screencast Video, Softwaretutorial
• Testimonial Video
• Animationsvideo
Commercial translation into and out of all the languages of Western Europe
Are you looking to have a brochure, product information sheet or circular letter translated?
Is your primary concern ensuring that the translation reflects the spirit of the original and that it makes an impact on your readership?
Tradivarius is pleased to offer you the services of its highly talented team, a group of fastidious translators who put themselves firmly in the shoes of your readership and produce translations that stay true to the spirit of the original whilst adopting the nuances of the target language.
Translating commercial documents is much more than merely transposing a word from one language into another; at every stage of the process, your objective must be kept firmly in mind, making your message as clear and as attractive as possible for your clients.
Our professional translators work very hard to match your company’s style. To go about this, they draw inspiration from existing...
Wnioski o child benefit We offer assistance in formal matters related to the preparation of an application for Kindergeld - one of the documents that we often meet as a sworn translation agency. Kindergeld is a child benefit for children in Germany. It is awarded by the German Family Benefit Fund (Familienkasse) not only for children staying in Germany, but also for children living in Poland: until they turn 25 (if they are still attending school or studying). A positive consideration of the application for Kindergeld can also be obtained for the adopted children and for the children of the spouse, as long as they belong to the common household of the applicant.
An innovative product based on Peptan® collagen peptides, DermialTM natural extr - The secret of young and healthy skin
proven by scientific and clinical studies!
Bioactive collagen peptides (with a molecular weight of 2,000 Daltons)
a unique patented extract rich in hyaluronic acid and polysaccharides
Acerolli extract
Tamamen selülozdan üretilmiş kağıtlar grubu (1.Hamur)
Selüloz ve odun hamurundan üretilmiş kağıt grubu (Gazete ve 3. Hamur)
Atık kağıtla birlikte selülozla karışımdan üretilmiş kağıtlar grubu (Kroma, oluklu mukavva karton)
Selülozdan üretilmiş, geri dönüşüm verimi düşük kağıtlar grubu (Kuşe kağıtlar)
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Çilem Polat Adana da İhracat Personelidir.
Adana İhracat Personeli
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100% d'origine naturelle et à base d'huiles végétales, notre bougie de massage nourrit la peau en profondeur tout en procurant une sensation de bien-être. L'huile douce obtenue après la combustion de la cire offre un glissé idéal pour envelopper le corps d'une douce chaleur et réaliser des massages à la bougie relaxants de la tête aux pieds !
Les ingrédients
Huile de soja : hydratante, l'huile de soja possède des propriétés apaisantes et protectrices pour la peau.
Huile de coco : très nourrissante, l'huile de coco est un ingrédient clé dans la composition de notre bougie de massage pour réduire considérablement la déshydratation de la peau.
Cire d'abeille : les acides gras contenus dans la cire d'abeille permettent de nourrir la peau et la rendre plus souple. A la fois hydratante et émolliente, elle laisse un film protecteur sur la peau pour la protéger des agressions extérieures.
co oferujemy:
- dowiemy się, jaki jest popyt na twój produkt na Ukrainie
- oceny głównych konkurentów
- damy wskazówki dotyczące promocji produktów
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- stworzymy reklama firmy, która przyciągnie maksymalnie klientów
Również możemy znaleźć dostawcą produktów na Ukrainie, z najlepszymi warunkami
* Zdobyć rozpoznawalność i zwiększyć prestiż Twojej marki na terenie całej rynku ukraińskim
* Chcesz sprzedawać swoje produkty lub usługi na Ukrainie? Pomożemy! w eksportowaniu towarów na Ukrainę
* Mamy dobre kontakty z firmą na Ukrainie.
Dołącz do nas
Zapoznaj się z nasza oferta już i staniemy się dystrybutorem marki dziś . Zapewniamy atrakcyjne warunki handlowe oraz przejrzyste i proste zasady. Wsparcie na każdym etapie współpracy, od marketingu do obsługi posprzedażowej.
As we are Konya Tercume, we have been providing translation services since 2000.
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Almanca Türkçe çeviri hizmeti, dünyanın en çok konuşulan dillerinden ikisi arasında gerçekleştirilen tercümedir. Almanya ile Türkiye arasındaki siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel bağlardan kaynaklanan bu ilişkiler çeviride farklı talepleri gündeme getirir. Bu nedenle Almanca ve Türkçe arasındaki çevirinin gerçekleştirilmesi için gerekli bilgi birikimini tercüme büromuzda bulabilirsiniz.
Tercüme büromuz çeviri taleplerinizi karşılarken aynı zamanda çevirinin anlam bütünlüğünü de bozmayacak seçeneklerden faydalanmanıza olanak sağlar. Size sadece belgelerinizi bize teslim ederek beklemek kalır. Farklı tercüme tipleriyle size çözüm üretirken kalite ve yüksek standartlarda hizmeti asla göz ardı etmiyoruz!
Almanca Türkçe Çeviri Seçenekleri
Almanca ve Türkçe çeviri konusunda en çok tercih edilen dil çifti olurken bu dil çiftindeki tercümenin kusursuzluğu da oldukça değerlidir. Tercüme büromuzun sunduğu çözümler ve kalite odaklı seçeneklerden faydalanmak sizin için de avantajdır.
La location de scooter est une méthode facile et simple pour visiter les plages, les environs et le centre d’Héraklion.
En scooter, vous pouvez facilement vous garer à un endroit qui vous convient, car en été la ville
est encombré de véhicules. Conduire un scooter, vous obtiendrez de nombreux avantages, car c’est un choix bon marché
et vous d’économiser sur l’essence. Nous fournissons gratuitement des casques, des cartes routières et des instructions.
Speakable svolge traduzioni affidabili dal tedesco all'italiano e viceversa.
Il nostro team si compone di professioniste madrelingua o bilingue in grado di effettuare accurate traduzioni di vari tipi di testo, anche tecnici.
Richiedi subito un preventivo personalizzato!
Technical translators specialising in a wide range of fields
Does your company or organisation work in a specific, cutting-edge sector?
Our professional translators, with their different specialist fields, are delighted to offer their expertise for the translation of your technical documents.
According to the specific needs of your project, Tradivarius will select a team of translators and revisers who specialise in your field of activity.
Regardless of the level of difficulty of your text, Tradivarius is firmly committed to offering you all of the vital resources and to providing you with a precise and accurate translation.
Our team includes many professionals who specialise in highly technical domains, such as:
Human and social relations
Dental sciences
Veterinary sciences
The list goes on!